Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Wayne Price: Smart as hell, but boring as fuck

Anarchist Organisation not Leninist Vanguardism
by Wayne Price - NEFAC

A look at the debate within anarchism and with Leninism on organisation

Pro-organizational, class struggle, anarchism (including Platformism) advocates radically-democratic federations built on a revolutionary program. This is counterposed to anti-organizationalist anarchism and to the Leninist program of the centralized, monolithic, "vanguard" party.

Central to pro-organizational/class struggle anarchism is the belief that anarchists should organize themselves according to their beliefs. This particularly applies to those who agree on a program of antiauthoritarian social revolution to be carried out by the international working class and all oppressed people. They should organize a specifically anarchist voluntary association. It would be structured as a democratic federation of smaller groups

This article is followed by some subtantial replies from 'anti-organisational' anarchists.

Pro-organizational, class struggle, anarchism (including Platformism) advocates radically-democratic federations built on a revolutionary program. This is counterposed to anti-organizationalist anarchism and to the Leninist program of the centralized, monolithic, "vanguard" party.



Anonymous said...

I tried so hard to read it, got maybe 1/4 of the way through.

P-CRAC said...

P-CRAC loves Wayne, but what the hell? If we wanted to take sleeping pills we'd chase them with beer.