Tuesday, January 10, 2006


The Fifth Annual BASTARD Conference


The BASTARDs (Berkeley Anarchist Students of Theory And Research and Development) are proud to announce the Sixth Annual Anarchist Theory Conference. The conference will take place at the University of California, Berkeley campus on Sunday March 19th, 2006 from 10am to 6pm. This year we will have a panel discussion on "The New Anarchisms"* plus a Spelling Bee. We would like to solicit workshop proposals for any topic in anarchist theory.

*for example: Primitivism, Second Wave, Nietzschean, Green, Post(-structuralist), Social ecology and some old-new: Neo-platformism, Pro-unionism, Insurrectionary

The Theme

This year the conference will not have a theme.

While having a theme has allowed for us to discuss, in detail, a variety of subjects that we would not have otherwise been able to talk about with civility (Economics, Race, Organization), this year we are going to return to a more eclectic format where a variety of topics currently relevant in anarchist theory will be covered.

We do have a plan for at least one panel discussion on New Anarchism that should be lively and contentious.

Submit your Proposal!

We are now accepting proposals along any theoretical theme that anarchists might find interesting. The forms is available at the bottom of this page or you may email proposals to the conference email, or send us your proposals and a little background info about yourself (and a SASE) to ASG c/o Long Haul 3124 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley CA 94705.


As always the goal of the BASTARD conference is to hear from the multiplicity of people who are working with anarchist theory. We recognize that there are many different ways to understand anarchism. Each of these approaches has valid points that are worth examining.
Proposal submission form

Please keep your synopsis to under 200 words. Keep your bio to less than 100.
Our intention is adding this information is to provide people who come to the conference without a lot of experience on the subject matter informed as to exactly what they are getting into. Do not list your institutional accomplishments! Keep those to yourself and your therapist.

BASTARD Proposal Form

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