Saturday, January 28, 2006

The Knives Begin to Sharpen

New York Post

The whiniest labor leader in recent memory, Roger Toussaint of the Transport Workers Union, this week quit blaming others for the rank-and-file's rejection of the deal he negotiated with the MTA long enough to reject a binding-arbitration settlement to the current contract crisis.

The MTA on Wednesday filed papers with the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) - the first step in pushing the dispute to binding arbitration.

Said Toussaint: "We're saying that we want a negotiated settlement, not one imposed through arbitration."

Really, Roger?

Who cares?

Given the TWU's blatant bad faith up to this point - first, an illegal strike the week before Christmas; then, the rejection of the negotiated settlement - binding arbitration is the way to go.

Or the TWU can accept the latest offer from the MTA.


1 comment:

vinothkumar said...

Thanks for sharing, I will bookmark and be back again

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