Sunday, February 19, 2006

IWW uses innovative organizing tactic by announcing Summit without also announcing when it will be. Brilliant!

IWW Organizing Summit 2006

"By building organizations based on solidarity, rather than on bureaucratic chain-of-command, we build organizations that by their very existence help to bring a new kind of society into being." --Staughton Lynd, Solidarity Unionism

For the first time in recent memory wobblies from all over will be meeting with the primary objective of discussing organizing. The Organizing Summit is what many wobs have been wanting for years. It is a chance to focus on organizing in the union and what it means to say, "Every member is an organizer."

The weekend will be hosted by the Austin GMB and was proposed at General Assembly 2005 in the hopes of supporting the work of the Organizing Department Formation Committee (ODFC). The assembly endorsed the Summit and the ODFC has also endorsed the meeting.

As proposed by the Austin GMB, the weekend will have four goals:

* organizing workshops
* organizing discussions and presentations
* the state of organizing in the union
* discussion of the preliminary report of the ODFC

Attendees must be in good standing in the IWW. Presenters in some cases will not be required to be IWWs.

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