Monday, January 02, 2006

TWU Local 100 Settlement

Contract 2005: Was the Strike Worth It?

How do you measure success in a strike? A strike changes the rules. It's no longer just about the demands you had when negotiations started. There are two things to consider. First, a strike raises the stakes. You have to avoid defeat at all costs. Second, did you come back with more than was on the table when you went out.

On both fronts, the 2005 transit strike was a big success. Thousands of members stood up and told the TA that they were tired of being abused. It's about respect. We were up against the Mayor, the Governor, the MTA, the rabid dog news media. We had to watch the MTA attempt to use our own International to try and get us to cross our own picket lines. But we stood strong and came back proud.



Anonymous said...

Congrats to TWU! Good job! SOLID

Anonymous said...

TWU rocked the motherfucking city!!! NEFAC blows donkeynuts!!!!